I am Jeff Chaves, a Writer, Pastor, and Video Producer. This page will tell you a bit more about me, show you to the various projects that I'm working on and connect you to my social media.

I was born in California and have made Las Vegas my home since 1977. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and my earnest desire is to make much of Him through all of my projects. I have a diverse background, having worked in television for more than 30 years and been in ministry for more than 25. I actually worked on my classes in the break room of a television station!

I am a family man and have been married to my beautiful wife, Peggy for more than 34 years! I am more in love with her now than those early years. Together we have 4 children: Jeff Jr., Dustin, Jessica and Grace.

Click on the buttons to the left to learn more about the different aspects of my vocational life. Click on an icon at the bottom to connect with me via email or Facebook.
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